实盘股票配资网站 亚马逊卖家收到商品状况投诉
亚马逊10月的会员大促即将到来,卖家店铺的产品的销量也逐渐上涨,许多卖家发现有关商品的投诉也越来越多,近期卖家发现账户里收到“商品状况投诉-存在缺陷(Product Condition Complaint -Defective Product)”,商品被买家投诉存在缺陷,无法正常使用。Listing在某具体日期前有被移除风险,甚至直接被移除。而且卖家发现链接申诉界面和之前也大不一样,有了新的更新和变化,这对卖家申诉处理时也提了新要求,新思路。
卖家收到如下瑕疵品投诉绩效通知:卖家的账户健康状况也会生成相应的违规记录:示例1:Listing 因瑕疵品投诉直接被移除
第二,卖家点开 “提交入口”,根据选项,选择合适的点,来写行动计划书,新的申诉申诉入口如下:
Root causes of this problem:
1. The packaging material is easy to wear during transportation,
2. The products look like defective products. Our suppliers did not ensure that the product packaging is complete before delivery.
3. The packaging looks intact, But the product has been worn out
4. listing The description is not accurate enough,
Action we have taken to resolve this problem:
1. We have informed our customer service team, All returns and refunds for this ASIN must be approved, And commitment to timely refund to our customers
2. We have updated listing descriptions, photos and technical details
3. We have checked the status of all inventory in inventory, And abandoned all packaged or substandard items
4. We organized training on Amazon policy for our employees, Including prohibited seller activities and behaviors, product details page rules and condition guidelines for long-term business considerations .
To provide high-quality products and services to our customers, We will take the following measures:
1. Products purchased from trusted suppliers. We promise to cooperate only with suppliers that provide quality products, Instead of just caring about profit. To this end, our purchasing team must to the corresponding factory visit
2. According to the voice of customers regularly update our product details page we will require monthly head from four aspects check listing information: title, photo, description, technical details and comments, to ensure the integrity and quality of our products
3. Enhance packaging of collision and waterproof packaging we will redesign and replace our products, and use stronger collision materials for packaging, such as bulletproof foam filling and waterproof box. Later, if our customer reports the packaging is damaged, we will communicate with the factory and upgrade the packaging again.
4. Check the products and packaging before shipment to inspect the products before warehousing; Then we will arrange personnel to check the packaging and products to ensure that every item we ship is intact.
5. We promise that we will solve complaints and product problems within 12 hours to ensure the rights of our customers.
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